Weibull NEWS TM

Addresses, E-mails, Sites & Phone Numbers

(&=Authorized Sales Agent/Distributor for SuperSMITH(TM) Software and Weibull Workshops)

($=Authorized Distributor for THE NEW WEIBULL HANDBOOK, copyrighted by Dr. Bob Abernethy)

Organizations (individual contacts below) ANSI, ASME, ASQ, DSIAC, IEEE, ISO, NIST, QUANTERION, RAMS, SAE, UTK

NOTE: Wes Fulton or Carl Tarum can be traveling on business for several days at a time. During those times the response to phone or e-mail requests can be significantly delayed. Please excuse any inconvenience.


E-mail Address

Web Site

Telephone (Time Zone)

Abernethy, Dr. Bob (US) - Weibull Consulting

Dr. Bob passed away July 2021. His accomplishments are among the most legendary of the 20th Century . . . being the inventor of the J58 engines for the SR-71 spy plane and the father of Weibull Engineering. Phone Wes or Carl for more information.

310-548-6358 (Wes)

989-780-5088 (Carl)

Barringer, Paul - Reliability Engineering Principles, Process Reliability, and LCC

Paul Barringer passed away December 2016 and will be sorely missed. His massive technical contributions are being promoted now by Wes Fulton and Carl Tarum. Contact one of us for more information.

Site: Barringer1.com

310-548-6358 (Wes)

989-780-5088 (Carl)

Crow, Dr. Larry - Crow-AMSAA (Power Law) Consulting

Email: CrowRel@knology.net



Email: Frank.Gostomski.com

410-273-7722 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

Fulton, Wes, FULTON FINDINGS (US) [&] Weibull Software + Consulting/Seminars

Email: wes33@pacbell.net

Site A: WeibullNews.com

Site B: FultonFindings.com

310-548-6358 (GMT-8 or Pacific U.S.)

Granada, Jorge, KNARSAS (US + S. AMERICA) [&]

Maintenance, Reliability, Safety Operations

Email: Jorge.Granada@knarglobal.com

Site: knarglobal.com

(51-1) 7024217 (GMT-6) Colombia

Keisic, Dennis, 6-Sigma And Manufacturing Expertise (US) [&]

Dennis passed away September 2017. His contributions to Dr. Abernethy`s Weibull Workshop helped students in the areas of 6-Sigma and overall manufacturing issues. Contact Wes Fulton and Carl Tarum for more information.

310-548-6358 (Wes)

989-780-5088 (Carl)

Nelson, Dr. Wayne (US) - Applied Statistics/Consulting

Email: wnconsult@aol.com

Select here >>> for: Courses by Dr. Nelson

518-346-5138 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

QUANTERION(US) - Pat Smalley

Email: psmalley@quanterion.com

315-351-4200 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

RELYENCE (US) - Reliability

Email: wecare@relyence.com

724-832-1900 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

Rock, Bob (US) - Quality, Reliability and Statistical Engineering

Email: bob@bobrockphoto.com

360-424-8096 (GMT-8 or Pacific U.S.)


Email: profdev@sae.org

Site: www.sae.org

877-606-7323 or 724-776-4970 if outside the United States (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

Schop, Ronald, (Europe) [&] - Weibull Engineering

Email: weibull@weibull.nl

Site: holland-innovative.nl

+31 6 3835-8663 (GMT+1) Netherlands

Silkworth, David (US) - Statistical Consulting

Email: djsilk@openreliability.org

Site: OpenReliability.Org


Tarum, Carl, BATHTUB SOFTWARE (US) [&] - Weibull Mixture Analysis, Robust Engineering

Email: ctweb@att.net

Site: BathtubSoftware.com

989-780-5088 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

UTK, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, Weibull Analysis at MARCON -Basic Introduction to Weibull Engineering

Email: RMC@utk.edu


865-974-9625 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)

Wilkins, Jose, PROFIT-ABILITY (US) [&] Executing to Excellence, Consulting/Seminars

Email: jwilk59@att.net


704-942-5595 (GMT-5 or Eastern U.S.)


Physical Business Address (no mail delivery available)

Wes Fulton, CEO, Fulton Findings (TM)

26355 Augusta Drive

Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 USA


Mailing Address (letters only as large packages are not accepted)

Wes Fulton, CEO, Fulton Findings (TM)

P.O. Box 4145

Blue Jay, CA 92317-4145 USA
