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Weibull engineering TM

U.S.A. - Wes FultonSWEDEN - Waloddi WeibullWeibullNEWS TM

...home of Fulton Findings (TM), and SuperSMITH (R) Weibull, Visual, and YBath (TM) software for Dr. Bob`s standard reference, The New Weibull Handbook (c)...

A person wearing a suit and tie

Description automatically generated

Waloddi Weibull / Paul Barringer / Dennis Keisic

1887 - 1979______/_____1936 - 2016_________/_____1949 - 2017

Great Problem-Solvers, Super People, Their Spirits Linger, Their Legacy Continues . . .

Wes Fulton, Weibull Questions (310-548-6358),

Carl Tarum, Software Questions (989-780-5088),

Postal Address = P.O. Box 4145, Blue Jay, CA 92317 USA

SuperSMITH(TM) is a registered trademark belonging to Fulton Findings (TM), replacing the name WinSMITH(TM).

FREE SuperSMITH(R) Software DEMO Version

SuperSMITH(R) Software Installation Guide

Buy Dr. Bob Abernethy`s Weibull Handbook

FREE PlayTIME(TM) Tutorial Booklet [.PDF File]

Version ID for SuperSMITH(R) Latest Release

KnARFREE SMITHdat data files

Purchasing, and Section 508 Accessibility

Workshops, Schedule, Cost, Authorized Instructors

Our Products and Services

1-Page-Overview of Probability and Statistics

Short Introduction to Weibull Engineering (We)

Drone Battery Case Study by Carl Tarum

Fulton Findings Blog

Dr. Bob`s New Methods CD, CD Price

Links to People and Organizations

The Original Weibull Engineering Team

Background on Wes or Dr. Bob or Dr. Bob's SR-71 Engine

SAE Introduction to Weibull Solution Methods

KnAR (Se Habla Espanol) Maintainability Tech

William & Mary Graduate Program with Dr. Larry Leemis

Leemis Chart for Distribution Relationship

Relyence for FMEA and Reliability Prediction

Frequently Asked Questions

...Hottest Weibull Analysis, Tips on Upgrades and Free Handbooks, HPGL Graphics and Language Tricks, Tutorials, and WeibullNEWS (TM)

...Best Windows Weibull Software Guide - Reliability, Growth, Maintenance, Test Planning, Accelerated Testing, Cost Reduction, Probabilistic Design, Standards, Warranty Analysis, Lognormal and Gumbel Analysis

... Essential Classes, Schedules, Consulting, Handbooks, Software, Version Info.



... You found us. Welcome home to our page! Dr. Bob sends greetings from above. Wes in California wishes you well. Carl in Michigan says hello. Rich in Ohio chimes in with good day to you. Call us or check out our extended schedule. Updated (last in MAR 2025) for continuous improvement of...

... Best Practice Techniques, Benchmarks,

... Workshop Content, Location, Engineering,

... Books, Programs, Biographies,

... Languages and International Use,

... E-mails, Sites & Telephone #'s.


Weibull World

A to Z


Product Support

Weibull Team


Links, Contacts

Prices/Purchasing for Software and Publications




Wes Fulton and Dr. Bob Abernethy would like to thank Paul Barringer, John Fulton, Nozar Jafarey, Patrick Heatherington, and Kevin Van Fleet for helping us onto the WWW. Others who deserve recognition for help in this area are Jorge Granada, Vicky Peralta, and Ivan Cala. We also appreciate the recognition of our minimum packaging efforts in all our products and our contributions to reducing the unnecessary distribution of paper. This web site keeps that tradition and will remain relatively free of unnecessary and cumbersome graphics or at least will have a warning. Our purpose is to provide useful promotional information, not artwork.

Dr. Bob Abernethy wrote the first Weibull Handbook. Wes Fulton wrote the first widely used Weibull software. They have been developing Weibull PC software for over thirty years, much longer than anyone else. There is no more complete Weibull analysis program available or even close in specific Weibull capability. Many of the features are not available elsewhere.

The SuperSMITH and WinSMITH (for software) and other 'SMITH trademarks belong to Fulton Findings. The Fulton Findings trademark belongs to Wes Fulton. All other software trademarks belong to their respective businesses. WeibullNEWS is trademarked by Dr. Robert Abernethy. The New Weibull Handbook is copyrighted 1993-present by Dr. Robert Abernethy. All our trademarks and copyrights will be protected to the full legal extent. Mention of persons, products and services herein is for information only and they may or may not be endorsed by Fulton Findings. Please contact us for more information as indicated in the E-mail Addresses, Sites & Telephone Numbers section.

Weibull engineering (We)

Weibull engineering is a set of tools for continuous improvement of products and services. We includes:

A grey square with a bull head and blue text

Description automatically generatedAbernethy risk failure forecasting and accelerated testing, Barringer process reliability for leaner richer production facilities, Crow-AMSAA reliability growth modeling for trending and cost cutting, Design comparison for significant difference indication, Exponential distribution plotting, Failure modes and effects analysis and fault tree diagrams, Gumbel distribution plotting, Hazard function plotting, Inspection data analysis and right-sized metrology calibration intervals, Justified likelihood function for reduced bias adjustment (RBA), Kaplan-Meier accounting, Lognormal distribution plotting and likelihood ratio test, Monte Carlo simulation and maximum likelihood estimation and mixture fitting and missing data solution, Normal distribution plotting and Nelson recurrent event modeling, Optimum replacement interval for minimum-cost maintenance, Probability density function and p-value estimate for goodness of fit, Quality limit comparison, Root cause analysis and regression fitting, System interaction and sudden death testing, Three parameter Weibull with t0 shift, Upper and lower limits for confidence bounds to estimate solution uncertainty, Variability reduction, Weibull distribution plotting and warranty data analysis, X-value and Y-value data import, Zero failure and zero-or-one failure test plans for design requirement validation

Hot Tips

This section presents the latest update on the leading edge of Weibull analysis.

UPGRADE TO THE LATEST SuperSMITH (TM) SOFTWARE IN MINUTES: Now you can download the latest DEMO versions of SuperSMITH Weibull and SuperSMITH Visual software over the internet in just a few minutes and change them to the FULL version in seconds with your `Special Name` password. This makes getting started with Weibull a lot easier, and upgrades to the latest version are quicker than ever. CLICK HERE to read about how you can do it.



For over 40 years we have presented PUBLIC Weibull Engineering (We) Workshops hosted by SAE, DSiAC, Quanterion, The University of Tennessee, and other technical organizations. During that same time, we have presented PRIVATE We Workshops directly to organizations all over the world including government entities like the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, NASA, JPL, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT and NHTSA). We are the world leader in Weibull training for foreign governments and for hundreds of big businesses and small businesses in the global marketplace.

CLICK HERE <--- for Training and Conference Schedule

CLICK HERE <--- for Weibull Engineering (We) Workshop Proposal

CLICK HERE <--- for We Workshop Presenters

CLICK HERE <--- for Curriculum and Agenda of We Workshop

CLICK HERE <--- for We Workshop Cost



WeibullNEWS TM - from Dr. Bob Abernethy and Wes Fulton, Edited by Paul Barringer

Catch our byline on the latest research update in Weibull analysis. The Weibull Team of Wes and Dr. Bob share their research findings with you before it appears the next paper or textbook. Other researchers and contributors are included with special additions by Paul Barringer. This periodical is now available on the Web at the link below. Contact Wes Fulton or Carl Tarum if you have questions.

To access all issues of WeibullNEWS . . . Click Here When Available >>>


Original Weibull Team

Dr. Bob Abernethy and Wes Fulton are The Original Weibull Team (TM) responsible for most of the technical breakthroughs implemented in SuperSMITH(TM) software and documented in The New Weibull Handbook (C). Click here to see pictures of the original team members. Carl Tarum has subsequently joined our effort as Director of Software Research helping keep the software updated and moving into the future.



Please contact Wes Fulton or Carl Tarum for the latest update or if you have any questions. Purchase directly from this website (click on selected item below to start) by American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or Check card and allow 1 week for delivery. Overseas purchases should be prepaid with respect to merchandise, shipping/handling, and any bank charges before delivery begins. Checks must be drawn on a bank with American affiliate. The credit card logos and trademarks shown above belong to their respective banking organizations.

Authorized software distributors include Wes Fulton, Carl Tarum, and a few select others.

 Table 1: Prices/Ordering Information for Software and Handbooks







SuperSMITH(TM) Software


(32-bit, okay for 64-bit systems)

The Intelligent Plotting/Analysis Software (SM)

(Software Only, No Publications)

Price Schedule

Delivered electronically by DEMO-to-FULL conversion

Includes Industry Standard FULL version of the SuperSMITH(TM) Weibull software, SuperSMITH Visual software, and SuperSMITH Ybath(TM) software . . . NOTE: The price shown in the Price Schedule is the base price for SSS upgrades and other discounts such as quantity discounts.

The New Weibull Handbook(c)


Price Schedule

The global standard Weibull reference book by Dr. Robert B. Abernethy (Dr. Bob)

PlayTIME(TM) Tutorial

[Online: DEMO & FULL]

Select above to download. Useful with DEMO software and with FULL software.

FREE! .PDF version for download

The PlayTIME Tutorial booklet uses input data files (saved by a FULL software version so the data values are not altered) which are already included with the free DEMO software.

Dr. Bob`s Weibull Workshop

Weibull Training


Workshop Proposal

The #1 Weibull Training for over 40 Years

DEMO SuperSMITH(TM) Software


Select above to download. Can be converted to FULL capability with a Special Name password provided upon purchase of license.

FREE! version for download

This DEMO alters your input data, so answers are not for originally entered data . . . otherwise it is the same as the FULL capability version. Can be used free by students to bring in files saved by a teacher using a FULL version (then the input data is not altered).

Weibull New Methods + Video, CD


Contact Wes Fulton to order.

Price Schedule

Overview from Dr. Bob including PowerPoint presentation of 7 case studies, a Word document for detailed explanations, and a 20 minute video with 3 life data case studies and one for manufacturing analysis (made in 1982 and shown in the Weibull Workshop).



Contact Wes Fulton to order.

Price Schedule

Leverage our 100+ years combined experience in fixing tough issues to help with your challenging questions.

NOTE: Travel compensation is not needed for consulting by teleconference and email.

 NOTE: All prices subject to change without prior notice. Prices for items with the Weibull Handbook changed starting APR 2017 due to new licensing with Dr. Bob.

Click Here for Software Prices, Quantity Discount, Upgrade Prices, Site License, and Server Environments. Prices subject to discount for multiple purchase at same time.

Click Here for Licensing Information. This is a copy of the installation instructions and general licensing information.

Click Here for software security information. This is a copy of an email on this by Carl Tarum.

We ship 32-bit software compatible with 64-bit operating systems (for XP/Vista/Windows7/Windows8/Windows10/).

Contact Wes Fulton or Carl Tarum for more pricing information. You can purchase Weibull and reliability software/handbooks from us or from the professional organizations and suppliers listed in E-mail Addresses, Sites & Telephone #'s.

Detailed product descriptions are given in the Software and Handbooks sections.


SuperSMITH(TM) Package Software Version Information

This section describes the latest versions and revision updates.

The Latest Version Release of SuperSMITH(TM) Weibull, Visual, and Ybath(TM) is posted here . . .

SuperSMITH(R) Current Version Info

Complete Revision History Link:

Click here for a complete revision history of SuperSMITH(R).