FIG-2-1Wes Fulton and/or Carl Tarum

Phone 310-548-6358









Weibull Engineering Workshops


Produced by Wes Fulton based upon the handbook by Dr. Bob Abernethy


Workshops include a license for the FULL SuperSMITH(R) software, Weibull, Visual, and YBath(TM), for each participant as part of the course. The software is greatly discounted for classes.


`INPERSON` Workshop at Your Facility including Travel: Students completing this training are fully empowered to solve design, reliability, testing, manufacturing, quality, warranty, and customer service issues related to measurement variability. The Weibull Engineering Workshop instructor will explain all associated fundamentals along with a multitude of applications. The workshop will cover the type of input measurement data to collect along with data collection recommendations. In addition to in-person instruction and the provided FULL software license, each student receives access to the free PlayTIME(TM) tutorial file (.PDF format) with over 50 case studies showing input data and step-by-step solution on the computer. Pre-requisite: Students to purchase a copy of the world standard reference Weibull handbook by Dr. Bob Abernethy for use as the course text.

DESCRIPTION: INPERSON workshop description Select Here.

COST: INPERSON workshop pricelist Select Here.


`ONLINE` Workshop: Discounted to remove travel cost. Students get the same overview of Weibull Engineering fundamentals and same instruction as above. In addition to the instruction and FULL software license, each student receives access to the free PlayTIME(TM) tutorial file (.PDF format) with over 50 case studies showing input data and step-by-step solution on the computer. Participants should have a fast internet connection with headphone/microphone setup to minimize room disturbance. Pre-requisite: Students to purchase a copy of the world standard reference Weibull handbook by Dr. Bob Abernethy for use as the course text.

DESCRIPTION: ONLINE workshop description Select Here.

COST: ONLINE workshop pricelist Select Here.


1-Day Workshop: This is an overview introduction to Weibull Engineering. Select Here.